Customer Value

Customer Value

“Zappos bribes people to quit. During the four weeks of customer service training, it offers employees $2,000 cash, plus payment for the time worked, if they leave the company. The theory goes that those willing to take the money and run aren’t right for Zappos’ culture anyway.”

With a focus on marketing it is important to attract new customers by offering superior value and maintaining existing ones by providing satisfaction. To be effective, one needs to understand marketing and the process to deliver value. The first step involves understanding your customers and the marketplace in which they operate.

Wants are human needs and when they are backed by purchasing power, they become demands. Human needs are basic items one requires for survival like shelter and clothing. Don’t be fooled into concentrating on the product and forget about the experiences it brings. Bob the farmer could focus on the tomatoes but go a step further and focus on the experience of consuming a tomato. A customer may always have the same need but if a better product is offered they will want that one

the website below is customer-driven and aims to create experiences

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